Monday, April 18, 2011

Love these girls...

Tinkerbell Cake

So a ex co-worker of mine had called me outta' the blue and "I had rememberd you make cake and wanted to know if you could make me a cake for my daughter's 4th birthday?" So, of course I jumped at the chance, and when he told me the theme was tinkerbell I got even more excited and in just a second my head was already filling with ideas. I was super syked. So I told him I would get back to him and almost imediatly began to put pen to paper. I got out my coloring pencils (which I might add...I draw like crap) and began to atempt to draw what I had in my mind. So, I sent him my idea, and was a little skeptical about almost the whole thing, but I promised I would come out terrific and would be pretty damn pleased with the results. So for the next 2 1/2 days I worked. I worked my little fingers to the bone! I baked, I frosted, I cut and trimmed, I melted, dyed, stained my hands, decorated, took many breaks, and finally after alot of oh shit's and okay okay okay I can do this, I'm okay it'll come out, I FINALLY DID IT!!!! It actually came out how I dreamed it would come and I was soooo damn proud of myself (I did'nt think I had it in me) ....and best of got there in one place and they alllllll loved it! YAAAAY BEVY!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

...first blog

Okay so... my name is Beverly. I currently live in Long Beach  California, I'm 28 going on 29 in August (super syked). So I have to admit that the only reason I started blogging was just to put pictures of my cakes (or whatever else I end up making or working on) out there....and since I figure no one will even end up reading this I thought maybe I could just put it out and have nothing to loose. Where to begin???